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Trailblazing the future of supply chain

A seamless supply chain for food, health, and consumer goods is critically important to ensure the flow of essential products from production to consumption. It determines the availability, quality, and safety of goods on shelves, directly impacting consumer satisfaction, brand reputation, and industry competitiveness. Efficient supply chains also minimize waste, maximize business performance, and facilitate responsiveness to market demands. An efficient supply chain is an indispensable component of our industry's success.

Our internal team, alongside our Supply Chain Council, is in constant pursuit of supply chain efficiencies and improvements through collaborative industry initiatives that reduce costs and enhance speed to market for our members. 

Navigating the perfect storm

Disruptions at any point in our integrated supply chains can cause ripple effects, exacerbating our industry's long-standing supply chain fragilities, including structural issues; ongoing shortages; increased labor, packaging, and ingredient prices; seasonal variations; trade dependencies; and regulatory complexities. Combined, these elements contribute to an environment where unpredictability is the norm.

We help our members navigate this perfect storm of potential disruptions by fostering collaboration across the supply chain ecosystem and advocating to government on the need for end-to-end digitization; investments in physical, human, and labor infrastructure; and the need for federal oversight to better coordinate and share information across all stakeholders.

Electrification and automation

Our Supply Chain Council continues to explore and share insights on automation, electrification, and digital developments to create improvements that add value to our members' operations, while also addressing individual member needs.

We work together with our members on community-based supply chain projects, pilots, and proof of concepts, as well as act as a liaison between members and industry stakeholders or vendors.

Canada's truck driver shortage

The Canadian trucking industry currently suffers from 20,000 vacant driver positions, which, given the increasing average driver age, will soon grow to 30,000 without systemic change. Combined with weak driver utilization practices, a poor perception of industry from potential recruits, and demographic gaps in the existing workforce, the trucking industry is in a critical position.

Truck Driver Shortage in Canada, a white paper released by PwC and commissioned by FHCP, presents actionable solutions that aim to address the existing driver shortage by suggesting new ways to attract drivers, retain the current driver pool, and increase efficiency through technological advancements and strengthening industry cross-collaboration.

Read Truck Driver Shortage in Canada.

Benchmarking for the future

Our Supply Chain Benchmarking Study assesses current industry performance and evaluates opportunity areas for supply chain process enhancements and developments.

Our member surveys help inform a great number of our successes in our advocacy for improvements to the supply chain, and our goal is to utilize this benchmarking to mitigate future disruptions and identify high-value, actionable insights.


About FHCP

Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada (FHCP) is the voice of Canada’s leading food, health, & consumer product manufacturers. Our industry employs more people than any other manufacturing sector in Canada, across businesses of all sizes that manufacture and distribute the safe, high-quality products at the heart of healthy homes, healthy communities, and a healthy Canada.

Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada
2700 Matheson Boulevard East, East Tower, Suite 602E
Mississauga, ON L4W 4V9
Tel: (416) 510-8024
Fax: (416) 510-8043

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