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Time to Let Canada’s Makers Make: A Practical Plan to Lower Costs, Create Jobs, and Stimulate Economic Growth

Time to Let Canada’s Makers Make: A Practical Plan to Lower Costs, Create Jobs, and Stimulate Economic Growth

Author: Michael Graydon/March 4, 2025/Categories: Op-Ed

Canadians feel the pinch every time they step into a grocery store or pharmacy. Prices of everyday goods they rely on, disruptions in supply, and a trade dispute with the US, our closest ally, have people worried about getting what they need and making ends meet. They’re tired of government policies that are outdated and out-of-touch; policies that are making life more expensive. It’s time for a radical reset, one that puts families first, makes Canada less reliant on trading partners, and harnesses the strength of our makers.

At FHCP, we represent the companies that make the essential products Canadians rely on every day—everything from food to household staples to healthcare items. We commissioned a national survey in January to find out what Canadians really want, and the message was clear: lower costs, more local jobs, and government that doesn’t make life more expensive. Sixty per cent of our grocery goods still come from outside Canada, leaving us vulnerable to foreign tariffs and supply chain shocks.  Voters from all political sides told us they’d prefer more Canadian manufacturing because in the long run, a self-reliant economy keeps prices stable and our shelves stocked.

Canadians also see how bad policies drive-up prices. Micromanaged label rules that force businesses to waste millions on packaging changes? A carbon tax applied with zero sensitivity to its impact on how much it costs to make, ship and sell essential goods? These are the sorts of proposals that stress our families and harm businesses. Canadians see the bill—and it hurts.

So, here’s our moon shot: Let our makers make.

Create an environment that allows Canada’s food, health, and consumer-product manufacturers to flourish. The payoff? Real savings at the checkout counter, better-paying jobs and fewer nasty surprises when global crises—or protectionist U.S. tariffs—put our supply chains into chaos.

Here are three concrete pledges we’re asking every federal leader, every member of parliament, and every Canadian to get behind. Our members believe these goals transcend partisan lines because Canadians across the spectrum are demanding sensible, no-nonsense solutions.

  • Champion Consumer Affordability and Access: Eliminate needless taxes, fees, and policies that increase the final price of everyday products and negatively impact the reliability of product supply.
  • Slash Unnecessary Red Tape: Remove outdated and burdensome regulations and processes that drive up the cost of everyday essentials.
  • Boost Canadian Production & Reduce the Cost of Doing Business: Create a climate for job creation, offer a business environment that attracts foreign capital investment, end inter-provincial trade barriers, and secure the supply chain of everyday essentials.

This isn’t pie-in-the-sky thinking; it’s about practical policies that remove roadblocks, lower costs, and keep Canada safe from external shocks. Canadians told us they want more control over their health choices, a reliable source of groceries on the shelves, and a shot at good-paying local jobs.

It’s time for government to get behind Canada’s brightest minds and hardest-working makers so that they can do what they do best—providing affordable, high-quality essentials for everyone. We stand ready to work with any government serious about delivering relief for families, ensuring our shelves stay stocked, and building a self-reliant economy immune to tariff crises like the one we face now.

That’s our vision. It’s practical, it’s tested by the people’s own priorities, and it’s built for this once-in-a-generation moment. Let’s seize it, together.

Let’s let our makers make.

Please Note: This op-ed appeared in the March 3 edition of the The Hill Times (


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Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada (FHCP) is the voice of Canada’s leading food, health, & consumer product manufacturers. Our industry employs more people than any other manufacturing sector in Canada, across businesses of all sizes that manufacture and distribute the safe, high-quality products at the heart of healthy homes, healthy communities, and a healthy Canada.

Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada
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Mississauga, ON L4W 4V9
Tel: (416) 510-8024
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